Help Page

You'd be forgiven for expecting a lot of help here. Hate to disappoint. Fact is: we are a very young web site and are still learning 'on-the-job' and have problems ourselves!

By the way this page exists only in English. A Dutch version will be generated when things have settled down. Most Dutch people cope well with English anyway in our experience.

However, we'll do our best to list whatever problems we have noticed with or without their solution. If you have any suggestions to improve this site and this page we'd very much like to hear from you; please send an email to Also, if you experience any problems we'd like to hear from you.

Problem Area 1 - Can not get the sound tracks

This is a problem we sometimes have ourselves. In fact we can get sound using a laptop that invokes Real Duke Box and we can not get the sound using a PC from the same network that invokes Windows Media Player. The error message we get is: "the server refuses to fullfill the requested operation" . . . not very helpful. We'll work on this and list the solution as and when available.

Suggestions anybody !!!

Problem Area 2 - web pages come up (too) slow

This is a very subjective 'fault'. Naturally the time to bring pages up depends on a lot of factors of which your modem connection and your PC's processing speed are major contributors. Another major variable is the level of traffic on the web. We can do something about this problem but it will inevitably lead to reduction of picture qualty - so would rather not. Of course you could treat yourself to an upgrade to the latest 'gee-wizz go faster' modem! No? OK we'll 'listen' to complains and will adjust the site democratically responsible.

We list a set of 'reasonable' times as obtained by someone using a 56kB modem:

Page .........Time for page..........Time for its Pictures

About us .......2 - 3 sec............. 2 - 4 sec

Music Page ........ 3 sec. .................3 sec

Performances ..... 3 sec .............3 - 4 sec

Instruments ......... 4-5 sec .....10 - 20 sec

Photo Galery ....... 3 sec ................. 6 sec for 7 ppictures

Teaching ...............3 sec .................NA

Things to Try (no guarantee offered and no blame or accountability taken either)

1) Sometimes files get cached in various palaces.

.... Potential remedies
.....a) on your computer try on Internet Explorer Tools/ Internet Options / Delete Tempary Internet Files